Horario: 14 a 17 hs.

PROFESOR: Dr. Fabrizio d'Amore

Profesor del Departamento de Informática e Sistemística, de la Universidad de Roma “La Sapienza”, Italia. Doctor en Informática de la misma universidad. La actividad de investigación del Dr. D´amore se concentra en las siguientes áreas: Geometría computacional, Modelos físicos para datos multidimensionales y multiespaciales, algoritmos competitivos para algoritmos on line. Ha realizado numerosas publicaciones sobre los temas mencionados.


Several applications involving the management of multidimensional and spatial data are considered, interesting fields of computer science which range from computational geometry to spatial and temporal databases. Algorithms and data structures are presented for solving basic problems encountered while dealing with these applications.The lectures are organized into three main parts. (About 25-30% of the time will be devoted to exercises)

  1. Traditional multidimensional data structures (4 hrs).
  2. disk-oriented structures (5 hrs), and
  3. spatial data structures (6 hrs).
  1. Multidimensional data structures
  2. Multidimensional data structures for secondary storage
  3. Spatial data structures


    Basic sorting and searching algorithms. Traditional data structures both for main and secondary storage (e. g., dynamic balanced search trees, heaps, hashing, B-trees, etc.)

    Este curso se dictará en inglés

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